Why Do You Write?

Can I ask you a personal question? Why do you write?

Each time I ask myself that, I have to pause. Not because I can’t think of a reason, but because there are too many. There are so many aspects to writing that I love, that make the process, from inkling to polished novel, something I get so much fulfilment from. When I stop to think, there are countless reasons for me to write–and yet, all too often, I forget about those reasons and lose the will to write. Unfortunately, I’m not alone.

When we’re stuck in the middle of a tough scene or wading through a particularly difficult edit, it’s easy to lose heart. We forget why we love to write so much, why we took up the hobby in the first place, and instead find reasons not to write. ‘I don’t feel like it.‘ ‘I’m too busy.‘ ‘I’d much rather watch funny cat videos on YouTube.‘ You know what I’m talking about.

The thing is, when we find reasons to avoid writing, we’re cheating ourselves. For the most part, we don’t have to write. No one’s forcing us to. We do it because, for whatever reason, we want to. And those reasons can be the biggest motivators of them all.

Try it yourself. Why do you write? Not too long ago, I asked this question myself on Twitter. These are some of the responses I got:

These are just a few of the many unique, inspiring reasons our Twitter friends have to write. If you’d like to see what other people love so much about writing, search for the #whyIwrite hashtag and send out a few tweets of your own!

Finally, here’s my challenge to you: each day, think of one reason you write. Put it in your journal, tell your friends and family, tweet about it, repeat it on a night before you go to sleep, sing it from the rooftops… However you do it, just remember why you write and why only you can write what you do. Remind yourself every day why you put pen to paper. Recall the first spark of inspiration that took your breath away. Write down why you write, share it with the world, and keep it in your heart.

It’s amazing how much more motivated you feel when you remember what drew you to writing in the first place.


Why do you write?

7 thoughts on “Why Do You Write?

  1. Pingback: Co-Founder Confession: Why Do I Write? – Taylor Eaton | The Sprint Shack

  2. Pingback: Co-Founder Confession: Why Do I Write? – Cristina R. Guarino | The Sprint Shack

  3. Pingback: Co-Founder Confession: Why Do I Write? – Faye Kirwin | The Sprint Shack

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