Sprint Watch! Virtual Writers, Inc. and #Wordscrim Wednesday

UPDATE: Please see our updated post about this sprinting event!

Hey, Word Sprinters!

We’re glad to announce another sprinting event. This morning, Virtual Writers, Inc. (@virtualwriters) tweeted about a massive 12-hour sprint coming on Wednesday, October 30. That’s half a day of sprinting goodness! Sprints will go for 30 minutes on the hour (so from :00 to :30) for a 12 hour stretch.

We’re waiting for more details (When exactly does the sprinting madness start, Virtual Writers? We’re already excited and are dying to know!) and will update this post when we know more. But the bottom line is: get ready for an unstoppable sprinting frenzy!!

The tweet announcing the sprint mentioned NaNoWriMo. This event would be an excellent opportunity to bulk up your word counts for NaNoWarmUp and OctoWriMo! Or at the very least, it will get your writing muscles in shape for NaNo when it starts in just a few weeks. So join in!

Will you be sprinting during this event?  Let us know in the comments so we can cheer you on while we sprint alongside you!

Make sure to follow @virtualwriters on Twitter and check back here for more information on this awesome word sprinting event.

8 thoughts on “Sprint Watch! Virtual Writers, Inc. and #Wordscrim Wednesday

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